Friday, October 2, 2009

Hey Kids!

Sorry I haven't updated the blog lately, on top of work, I've also been sick as of late and thus haven't really felt up to the task of writing here. Just a cold and fever sort of thing, but you'd be surprised how much something like that can affect you in a job where there is no conscionable way to call in sick because your job is so terribly complicated that no one can replace you. My stage manager offered me a bucket when I told him I was sick, because that's about the best you can expect in my line of work, and god help you if you fuck up a cue. (The bucket is for getting sick in, by the way--in this job, it's nigh on impossible to eat healthily so a lot of our crew members get sick in that way--I'm just about the only one who comes down with a fever every show, merely because I can't eat or sleep well, and I work 14+ hours a day, six days a week for two to three weeks every show, plus I now have two and a half hours of transit time to get to the theatre and back every day on TOP of the long hours. How could THAT make someone sick?)

Anyhow, I'll try to post something of merit for the clan at some point in the near future--I'll probably post the contact info that I have from people as an incomplete list because it doesn't seem like anyone else is going to give it to me. Bug your fellow clanmates to send their contact info, kids!

Alright, time to get ready for work. Bye, guys!


  1. PUMPK!N misses you so much that he is hibernating until you are healthy and returned to mgo (its best for the baby anyways) so he is replaced by PUMPKiN (who is your genetic clone). Rest and be well.

  2. If anyone has a FaceBook account and would like to add me (which means Pumpkin too), feel free to befriend Eve Noir.

    Recent pics include a sweet Angelspit concert from last night. (I <3 taking pics!) AND Pumpkin is testing out his alter-ego for the first time in public (wooohooo)...when we met Destroyx and Zoog. Very cool people. See pics.

    Take care~

  3. It has been quite some time since we have had any updates. I hope that everyone is awesome.

