Saturday, September 19, 2009

Kentu Wins! Cue the music!

So we have an awesome teammate to acknowledge, guys! Watch as Last Memory spends his last moments in this game! Muah-ha-ha-ha-ha!!!

Don't comment anything on this post that isn't undying love and affection for Kentu, this one's for him ^^ and if you still want just to babble and rant and chat, use the post before this one entitled "Just a Couple of Things". Okay?

Thanks ^^

And once again, great job, Kentu!!
<bgsound src="SOMETHING" loop="1">

Friday, September 18, 2009

Just a Couple of Things

My Hectic Schedule
I apologize to everyone that the launch of this blog coincided with the busiest part of a five or six week cycle for the shows at my theatre, but by the week after the 25th of September, I should be able to both play AND post more frequently. I probably won't be able to play survival at all until mid to late next month, but I should be able to play a lot more during the day. My schedule is really weird, if you haven't noticed yet, but that's theatre, that's the arts--that's life. Sam, aka the clan leader/mybowlerlookfuk however, should be able to play pretty much every survival for the next four weeks, so don't be too sad. I don't know if he will play all of that time, but as far as I know, he has no time constraints for that time.

Contact Information
Thank you to all of you that have already given me the information I asked for, but there are still some clan members whom I have not received an email from. Just to reiterate, in case you missed the post in which I asked for the information, and the message I sent via game mail on MGO, I'd like some basic contact information from everyone, just your PSN and email addresses so that if someone in the clan needs or wants to get ahold of everyone at once, they can do so with ease. the game mail on MGO actually really sucks. Here is a list of the people whose information I have recieved:

Vicious Cabaret (ya think?)
Nemo Cortez
Sophie Danger

if anyone not on this list has sent me this information and I somehow missed it, my sincerest apologies--please try to resend the information and/or contact me through my PSN or game mail. My email address is and my PSN is RisikaRoanokes. Thanks to everyone who has given their information already! I will post the completed list when I have it.

Also, if for whatever reason you don't want your contact information posted on the list, or even if you don't want to give it to me, just let me know, one way or another, so I won't wait for it. Thank you!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Clan Bios/ Interviews and Contact Information

Hi guys! Anyone still reading the blog? I wanted to keep the original post up at the front of the page for a few days to give everyone a chance to read it, but by the time this post will--well--POST, it will have been plenty of time! Anyone who HASN'T yet been here gets 100 lashings with a wet noodle! Curse you, delinquents! Just kidding, but make sure you read the first post, entitled "Your Humble Narrator...." it will clue you in, in so much as that is possible.

This post is mainly to start setting up the base for the site--I'd like everyone to send me some basic information, if you would. All I want, for the time being, anyway, is a list of the PSN's and email addresses for all the members of the clan so that we can all keep in touch and the like, and if something happens to your Playstation or something, you can let everyone know who to direct the evil thoughts to. Or just to say hello! Whatever you want, we're all friends, here.

At some point, I'd really like to conduct some clan interviews (so that we can get to know each other a little better), as well, but the only way it seems like that would be easily done (or done at all) would be through the use of a chat application like AIM or the like--otherwise, we'll just have to fill out some boring questionnaire, which is also doable. Any suggestions are welcome!

Also, if anyone here is even slightly proficient in HTML, I'd be open to letting them play around with the code--anything I used to know about it has long been buried under a metric ton of useless information.

Please send any questions, comments, contact info, naked pictures, or spam to:

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Your Humble Narrator....

Surprise! Welcome to all the members--new AND old--of the ultrapunkdroogs! As many of you may know, ultrapunkdroogs is very much more a community than a mere clan on MGO, so I thought I'd make it (more) official by putting up this page for everyone to chat and keep in touch outside of the game. I think I speak for everyone when I say that us UPD vets are very much friends, and we hope that you can be our friends, too! (Except for maybe Pumpk!n--he'd probably just want to tell you about how much he likes transgendered girls.)

For those of you that are not familiar with me, I am your Humble Narrator, Vicious Cabaret, the woman (yes, I AM a girl) behind the clan! I recruited most of the players in our humble clan, and I tend to host our Survival and Tournament teams, so if you haven't met me, you'll probably be seeing me soon.

Since the idea of a clan blog may--understandably--seem a little odd, I thought I'd give everyone a preview of the coming attractions so you know what to expect from this little endeavor.

  • Clan Interviews!
  • Clan Manifesto!
  • The Definitive Breakdown of the name "UltraPunkDroogs"
  • "What is a Droog?"
  • Clan Photos! (Yep, it's that time again, folks!)
  • "Add Instructor Trepe to the list."
And just to keep you begging for more, here's the final ingredient to this recipe for disaster:
  • *GASP!* Vicious goes Undercover!
I've learned NOTHING from the poorly-chosen role models of my gender if I didn't know to leave them wanting, so I refuse to elaborate in any manner on the contents of this list. So face front, true believers! For those of you who DON'T deny our very existence, tell your friends! Tell your girlfriends! Tell your therapist!

Will anyone ever visit the page?
Will the haphazardly-created blog crash and burn after it's first entry?
Will Deadpool ever be united with his one true love? (Wait, what?)

Tune in next time, kids! Excelsior!