Sunday, September 13, 2009

Your Humble Narrator....

Surprise! Welcome to all the members--new AND old--of the ultrapunkdroogs! As many of you may know, ultrapunkdroogs is very much more a community than a mere clan on MGO, so I thought I'd make it (more) official by putting up this page for everyone to chat and keep in touch outside of the game. I think I speak for everyone when I say that us UPD vets are very much friends, and we hope that you can be our friends, too! (Except for maybe Pumpk!n--he'd probably just want to tell you about how much he likes transgendered girls.)

For those of you that are not familiar with me, I am your Humble Narrator, Vicious Cabaret, the woman (yes, I AM a girl) behind the clan! I recruited most of the players in our humble clan, and I tend to host our Survival and Tournament teams, so if you haven't met me, you'll probably be seeing me soon.

Since the idea of a clan blog may--understandably--seem a little odd, I thought I'd give everyone a preview of the coming attractions so you know what to expect from this little endeavor.

  • Clan Interviews!
  • Clan Manifesto!
  • The Definitive Breakdown of the name "UltraPunkDroogs"
  • "What is a Droog?"
  • Clan Photos! (Yep, it's that time again, folks!)
  • "Add Instructor Trepe to the list."
And just to keep you begging for more, here's the final ingredient to this recipe for disaster:
  • *GASP!* Vicious goes Undercover!
I've learned NOTHING from the poorly-chosen role models of my gender if I didn't know to leave them wanting, so I refuse to elaborate in any manner on the contents of this list. So face front, true believers! For those of you who DON'T deny our very existence, tell your friends! Tell your girlfriends! Tell your therapist!

Will anyone ever visit the page?
Will the haphazardly-created blog crash and burn after it's first entry?
Will Deadpool ever be united with his one true love? (Wait, what?)

Tune in next time, kids! Excelsior!


  1. Very nice, VC! This is a wonderful idea and is a great way to build on the clan theme. I can't wait to come up with funny, witty, insightful, or otherwise interesting things to share here (it might take a while to come up with something, as I am not the most interesting folk).


  2. A'hoy. Checking in to say I checked in.

    Nemo Cortez

  3. someone has to spread the transgender gospel! why not me? lets make pandrogeny a way of life.


  4. hi! this is pumpkin's GF. i have a blog also. i'll follow and keep him updated. ;)

    oh and i'm not transgendered. ha ha. :P

  5. Hahaha, I had a feeling you weren't! Welcome, Eve!

  6. Oh Ken, you are interesting and...strange. :) Pumpkin has told me all about you. You can't think too much about what you'll say...just write it! ^_^

  7. Don't think I missed that ACO reference either my humble narrator.

  8. I didn't have the slightest doubt you got the reference! ^^ You know, guys, if you have gmail accounts or various other sorts of accounts, you CAN sign in so that you don't come up as anonymous.

  9. Vicious- I'm trying to tell Pumpkin that but he is being a poop head. Maybe you can convince him to take 2 seconds to get a GMAIL account.

  10. Take two seconds to get a gmail account, Pumpk!n!

    Seriously, though, Mister, gmail is great. I never get spammed up because the filter is great and I've never found a message that I needed or wanted to see in the spam folder.

  11. yes, yes, scary, scary......

    -mybowlerlookfuk- obviously...dont let the c fool u its your droogen leader hehe...

  12. I wont give in to the majority! PUMPK!N is his own man!

  13. No surrender, huh?

    What about that little bit of surrender that is implied in that very statement, Mister Pumpk!n?

    Just give in to temptation! All the cool kids are doing it! You know you wanna......

  14. S/he (Pumpkin) doesn't want to be cool...I hoard all the coolness in the house. So maybe it's my fault. ;0 But I think s/he will soon realize s/he's missing out. :P

  15. Previous Word Verification: POKIN


  16. good, lol. There's lotsa other ways to sign in, too, like AIM and LJ, so if he WANTED to, he could use those. But gmail kicks serious butt as far as email goes.

  17. Actually, I like to bow and submit when ever possible. Especially to Queen V.

  18. I thought you didn't do "social networking" sites V?!? Does that mean you have a live journal? Or a FaceBook? Hmm...

    Well, Pumpkin needs a crop to be kept in line...then he'll bow & submit. ^_^

    Oh & who are your poor role models? I can be a great role model for I am of the female gender. Which is much superior to the ha ha I right?

  19. @Pumpk!n: I know you do ^^ Thank you for getting an account for me!

    @Eve: I don't have one, lol, it's just in the drop-down menu for ways to sign in and comment on the blog, lol. I used to have an LJ about five years ago, but I only made two entries and they were really dumb. I DO have a melo, if you know what that is, but I haven't updated it in years--I lost my pass, lol.

    And I didn't mean my PERSONAL role models, I meant the people that members of our gender tend to look up to as role models. You know the ones, I'm sure.

  20. Oh man, this blog is the greatest thing ever! I don't think that I will ever play MGO again now that I can communicate with everyone without the need for murderous violence...Just kidding, I like the murderous rampages as well.

    Eve, I am going to do my best to 'just write it', we'll see!

  21. Vicious- I have no idea what a melo is. ??? Oh, yeah I know what you mean with 'role models.

    'Funny & scary, I read a blog and the girl worships Britney. Ugh. Recently, she even said "And at Britney's concert, she even sang a song live and it didn't sound too bad either." WTH!?!?!

    Oh and to EVERYONE, BLOGGER is very addicting...just like your video game. Once you begin, there's no turning back!!!

  22. @ Ken- Yay! Keep writing whatever comes off the top of your head. But, hm...I don't particularly like violence or um, any video games (please don't kill me, people!). And so that's why I like it here in my safe lil' blogging world. ^_^

    Though I do like sharp knives...but Pumpkin refuses to let me own one. I have no idea why...;)

  23. @ KEN (again)- Guess what? I see you have a blog...and I'm your first follower. wooohooo! Now you HAVE to blog. Have you had a blog before? If not, it's so easy, you just write about anything...and THEY will follow. Seriously, you should write. I always tell everyone to make a blog. I believe everyone has a 'story' to tell.

    Have fun playing your game tonight people. I'll be drowning out the noise while I watch TV in the other room


  24. how many droogs have fat princess now? it could be fun to get together and pla that perhaps.

  25. what is fat princess? Hmm, I guess I could resort to internet search to check it out. I asked Sam, but he ignored my inquiry!

  26. Melo is a blog site that's like LJ or DJ, only they give you neat incentives for sticking around and being a part of the community. I don't know, it's pretty cool, but I haven't been on in quite some time. I may just pick it up again, though, as a personal blog--I just found my page again--boy, does that bring up old memories.

    @Ken: Fat Princess is like, a capture the flag sort of game, only the flag is instead a couple of princesses with a penchant for cake. You feed the princesses cake which makes them fat and harder to carry out of the castle. Pretty simple, but fun! (Actually, it's a bit more complex than that, but not by much, lol) If you want it, I can give it to you, I've only given away 2 of my 5 shares ^^

  27. oh, and about Sam not telling you what it was: he did get a message the other day that kept showing up but wouldn't let him view it--maybe that was it?

  28. VC About Message to Sam: I don't know...I am beginning to feel as if I am being ostracized by my own group! *Sniffle, Sniffle* I am very sensitive for a murderous MGO combat veteran, you know; even trained killers for hire have feelings, if you don't believe me, just watch 'Pineapple Express.'

  29. Ken, I'm sure Sam didn't mean anything. Are you the sensitive one of the group? Awww. (Eve gives Ken a BIG virtual *HUG*)


  30. lol I'm sorry!! I'll smack Sam one for you, okay, just don't cry!!

  31. No smack downs necessary, my dear.

  32. @ Vicious- Do you need an account to check out your MELO? I'd like to check it out. Feel free to check out my blog, Through Eve's Looking-Glass at anytime. It's kinda a journal...kinda just about stuff I like.

  33. PUMPK!N is stupid,he shoulda said "thanks for setting up this ultra cool blog for us droogs V" by now, but he hasn't wtf.

  34. Thas cos' Pumpkin is a thoughtless bass-tard. lol.....

  35. and he still didn't in that comment...really. he never says Thanks, Vicious. I don't know if it's a guy thing or what...

  36. By the way: Bass-tard = creature closely related to aqua man after years of methamphetamin usage; half fish, half Simple Jack.

  37. @ Vicious- Think you should start a new topic...these boys are getting crazy! :)

  38. you guys better watch out w/my sensitive hubby...make sure he doesn't get shot too many times

  39. Yay! Another wife/gf/partner of one of the guys. Hi SWEET As Corn Muffin! I'm Eve...Pumpkin's gf. Pumpkin won't let anything bad happen to Ken, I know!

  40. @Pumpk!n: Your undying affection and gratitude are always both implied and assumed, dollface, don't you worry your pretty head about that. If you think this is cool, wait until I have the time to really get it going, I have lots of other neat things planned, more than I even posted. As soon as we get past the rehearsal stage and into the actual performances of the show coming up, I should have plenty of free time, for about a week or so anyway.
    Boy, do I work too much. X.X

    @Ken: Lmao, are you sure it's not more like Aqua Lad?

    @Eve: The only reason why I hadn't already started a new topic was because I wanted to give the other (less obsessive) clan members a chance to read the first post when it was there at the top, lol. I wrote that last entry two nights ago and scheduled it to be put out tonight.

    @Sweet: Welcome, honey ^^ and as far as making sure he doesn't get shot too much... he can usually hold his own, lol, and he doesn't run out into open fire to wake (me) a fallen team member regardless of the consequences quite as often as Mister Pumpk!n, so he's fine most of the time, lol. But we take care of our own, little lady, don't you worry about that!

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